The Workout
While we’re in this holding pattern, let’s play another game with holds. This time we’ll hold a plank the entire upper body workout while changing up our hold/grip on the weight to work front side and back of muscle groups.
Find a table you feel comfortable at, hold on tight, be sure to tuck your hips and squeeze your core, and perform 10 of each on each side 3x
💪🏼 Neutral / Pronated / Supinated grip rows
💪🏼 Front / Side / Back raises
💪🏼 Bicep curl / Tricep kickback
💪🏼 Toe to overhead / Reach through to overhead
CHALLENGE: One minute nonstop
10 Spider-Man pushups
10 leg lifts
20 Mountain climbers
20 Plank jacks
Not sure what to use? This can be done using a dumbbell, water bottle, band or jus keeping a tightly clenched fist and contracted muscle.
The Hold
The Hold

1 min: Spider-man push-ups, leg lifts, mountain climbers, plank jacks

Toe to overhead, reach through to overhead